Contact:, +31610274653

Our company in pictures

Dutch k9 Centre is located on the edge of the quaint, picturesque village of Stroe, nearby highway A1 in the center of the Netherlands. From here we operate worldwide to fill the demand for dogs for police departments, customs, military agencies and private security companies. Feel free to contact us for all your k9 questions or needs by phone or email – our hours of operation are – Visits to our facility are by appointment only, call or email us to schedule your visit today, we look forward to seeing you!


At Dutch K9 Centre, the wellbeing and comfort of our dogs (and our visitors) is of our utmost concern. Our facility boasts a large tract of beautiful meadowland where the dogs can roam during daily free time (and where visitors can experience the beauty of the Dutch countryside). Inside the facility, we use state of the art treadmills to help our dogs develop the excellent cardio and muscle power they will need for life on the job, while also giving them an enjoyable release of stress from a long day of training. Each dog gets daily personal attention from one of our trainers and regular health checks while at our facility, as well as the comforts of their own private indoor kennel space to relax in.

We make sure our human visitors are catered to as well, with a spacious classroom to learn in and local accommodations for long term students or interns, a private office with a view and the world’s best coffee when you come in for a consultation, and of course, friendly staff to give you a tour of our facility.

In addition to training at our facility, which is constructed to simulate all the environments that dogs and students will have to work in, we use all of Stroe as our training campus! Our dogs are proofed during visits to the surrounding village, where they experience train stations, factory halls, busy streets, stairwells, elevators, and every other place we can get into! They learn to put their training to work in the real world, with real situations that can’t be simulated in a facility alone.

Dutch K9 dogs

Good Housedog